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Bwalya Musonda (PhD)
This essay presents the origins and fundamentals of philosophy to the birth of systematic and logical reflections on idealism and realism, their impact on our systematic thought life and the significance of philosophy for today. The essay is meant for college and university students to prepare them about philosophical issues, concerns and problems, before they begin to delve into the depths of philosophical discourses set for us, from antiquity to postmodernity by such legendary philosophers as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Rene Descartes, Friedrich Hegel, Immanuel Kant, Baruch Spinoza and Karl Marx. The research methods used for this essay were mainly social qualitative research methods, where textual analysis and criticism was employed to creatively interact with both primary and secondary sources of data, premised on data analysis, interpretation and application. The finding was that Philosophy as a discipline of study concerns itself with general and fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. The conclusion is that, when all is said and done, Philosophy, the Queen of sciences, which permeates all sciences (all knowledge) ought to move society towards happiness, wellbeing, wholeness, fulfilment and harmony, by means of very thorough and life-affirming critical reflections on nature, meaning, goal and essence of natural life.
Bwalya Musonda (PhD)
The relevance of this essay was to expose the inherent operational difficulties of two major economic systems, capitalism and socialism, in order to cast the way forward for future research. The research gap which this essay sought to narrow was evidence of just a few reflections on ‘economics and economic systems by Africans’. The context out of which this study was done was a context of negative impacts of these systems on peoples of the world which have endured for the last two hundred years of human history. The research methods used were mainly qualitative social scientific research methods, where both primary and secondary data was analyzed, interpreted and applied. The findings of this study were that: the fundamental problem of scarcity in economics is solved by the employment of economic systems; that these systems varied from country to country, and from society to society. These systems are “vehicles”, a means to an end, through which various countries and societies choose to allocate their scarce resources from the standpoint of scarcity as a “point of departure” and “model” for economics; two major systems stood out, namely: capitalism and socialism. The conclusion was that the human family must admit there exists these inherent difficulties in the operationalization of these two major systems and that the human family must move towards viable solutions of these economic systems, for the common good.
Durairaj Dhanapal, Siwala Mundia and S Nagaraj
High Heel and stiletto are very popular and fashionable among women especially in today, many women wear high heeled as a daily basis to increase the femininity and attractiveness, many these high heels remain popular despite the negative effects to the human foots. This review aimed to identify the dangerous effects of high heels and human stability problems and planter pressure distribution effects. But it always high heels is very dangerous for human foots. High heels not only cause chronic problems, but also leads to common complaints like leg and back pain. Other problems like planter facilities, hallus, valgus, bunion, hammer toe or ingrown nail toes, also very dangerous for human foots. The body center of the gravity shifted to forward when standing on high heels, the effect the appropriate standing posture as the body attempts to make a serious of adjustment. The high heel was not originally created as an accessory to wear with pencil skirts, in fact that according to ancient origin, the first heel is as depicted on a 9th century Persian bowl were created for male horse riders as away to stop their feet from slipping from stirrups. But high heels always cause major problems for female foot, high heels are main culprit in millions of foot and ankle complaints across the world, but women still wear the shoe with abandon. This review article discussed the below disadvantages and dangerous of high heels.
a)joint pain
c) shortened Achilles tendon
d)lower back pain
e)Lack of cushion
f) falling and sprained ankles g)ingrown toenails Most of heels have pointy or almond shaped toes despite the fact that the end of human foot is actually squarer, and it is the biggest and littlest toes that take a lot of the pressure as they press against the sides and the end of the shoes. High heels cause human feet to side down and crush human toes leading to ingrown toenails. Ingrown toenails occur when the side of your toenails starts growing feet flesh and it can be serious and painful to the human foots. Planter pressure in not evenly distributed by our foot we meet lot heel pain and back pain and abnormal stability problems. This review article explained all disadvantages and dangerous problems about fashion high heels usage. Right now, pencil tip high heels are very famous but it very dangerous one for female foots and this article is very useful for prevention of foot problems.
Keywords: Planter Pressure; Pack pain; High Heeled-Shoes; Ingrown Toenails; Foot Stability; Joint Pain
With a focus on selected universities on the Copperbelt – UCZ University and Africa Open University.
Musonda Bwalya (PhD)
The social value or relevance of this paper was to grasp the extent to which Covid-19 has impacted on administrative, teaching and learning processes, with a focus on selected universities on the Copperbelt, Africa Open University and UCZ University. The scientific value or research gap which this paper sought to establish was to narrow the gap in terms of nonavailability or scanty materials with regard to an adequate understanding of the challenges and success stories experienced by various actors in the implementation of the ‘distance education and online learning of administering education, teaching and learning. The setting of the paper was essentially the 2019 -2020 Covid-19 era, with political, economic and social ramifications. The research methods used for this paper were phenomenological social research methods, where raw data, in form of unstructured interviews, administrative inputs, official minutes and official reports was collected, analyzed, interpreted and actioned. The results, in form of the findings were that: Covid-19 restrictions by the State on Learning Institutions ‘triggered off’ a shift to ‘The Distance Education and Open Learning Mode’ of education delivery and learning, but that this shift was characterized by both success and failure stories, including the efficient use of scarce resources and a drop in student numbers and income, respectively. The conclusion was that education delivery and learning through ‘The Distance Education and Open Learning Mode’ went on unabated.
The role of Kenneth David Kaunda in nation-building and national development
Musonda Bwalya (PhD)
The social value or relevance of this article was to lift, highlight and re-affirm the role of Kenneth David Kaunda (1924 to 2021), First Republican President of Zambia, in nation-building and national development, oriented towards Zambia’s long journey to political and economic emancipation, with far-reaching reverberations across nations of the world. This article sought to contribute a contextual reflection on Kenneth David Kaunda in order to ‘narrow’ the knowledge or research gap where freshly generated reflections about Kenneth David Kaunda have not yet been fully published to describe Kaunda’s role in nation-building and national development, now that he has left this world. This is against a backdrop of realities of a post-colonial, post-independence, post-nationalist and post-Kaunda era. The historical setting of this article, as noted already, was the most recent departure of the dearly beloved Great Leader from this earthly life to another world of spiritual realms, where all humans gravitate to. The research methods used to write this article were essentially qualitative in nature, based on data analysis, by way of critical interrogation of credible phenomenology, that is, the authors’ experiential and existential reflections about the Great Leader, and by way of systematically examining both primary and secondary sources of information. The findings of this research were that Kenneth David Kaunda was a man imbued with and formed by a deep faith in the Almighty, a cohesive people-person persona, a compassionate and gracious heart, a characteristic spirit of moderation, a penetrative charisma, an unshakable commitment to global peace and emancipation, an irreversible patriotism, a visionary mind beyond himself to the other, an impeccable belief in family values and the extended family relations and friendships which transcended national borders, and a passionate liberating love and emancipatory spirit for fellow humans, regardless of race, creed and status in society - the kind of traits of character which enabled him to execute his primary purpose on Earth, that is , to fight for Africa’s freedom, liberate Africans and contribute to the evolving Africa’s socio-politico-economic infrastructure against a human history tainted by slave-trade, slavery, colonialism and neo-colonialism - creating a bright future for all Zambians and all Africans that would endure for eternity. Thus, as a legendary figure and a larger-than-life exemplification and epitome, Kenneth David Kaunda, fearlessly and courageously confronted ‘head-on’ tribalists, racists, fascists, imperialists, colonialists and neo-colonialists, and selflessly and vicariously fought for the independence of his people and their neighbors, liberated his people and their neighbors and laid a firm foundation in nation-building and national development, with remarkable positive impacts in the liberation struggle and the emancipation of Africa. The article concluded that the present generation of political leaders of the African continent must build on the historic achievements of Kenneth David Kaunda and his compatriots as a clarion call to servant leadership and duty, and set a very high tone for Africa’s genuine political and economic emancipation, which must deliver human development and social progress and move away from repression, violence, destruction, death and hopelessness to tolerance, compassion, re-construction, life-affirmation and well-being, especially here in Sub-Saharan Africa.
A review of definitions, views and perspectives An African philosophical reflection.
Musonda Bwalya (PhD)
The relevance of this essay was to attempt to demonstrate what lies behind the ‘veil’ of economics, both as a theory and practice. This was done in order to state clearly that ‘scarcity’ is the fundamental economic problem and that it is the root which runs through economics and that, it is a concept that is used as a “point of departure” and “model” for economic theory and practice. The essay was written out of a historical context which has created a divided and still dividing world between the ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’, a global context in which the minority are happy and the majority are not happy and not fulfilled, especially here in Africa. The research gap which this essay sought to narrow was the empirical evidence of ‘just a few reflections on economics and economic systems by Africans’. The research methods used were mainly qualitative social scientific research methods, where both primary and secondary data was analyzed, interpreted and applied, accordingly. The findings were that: economics was and is seen by many scholars and practitioners more like a doctrine or dogma to be taken for granted; and that economics was and is mainly oriented to techniques and strategies for money making, influenced mainly by the most powerful countries on earth. The conclusions were that: in agreement with the poignant words of John Maynard Keynes, that, economics ought to be ‘a method, rather than a doctrine, an apparatus of the mind, a technique of thinking which helps its possessor to draw conclusions’ towards human and environmental wellbeing; and that economics must be re-oriented towards not merely the techniques and strategies for money-making ventures (chrematistics), but also towards accrued holistic household management of the entire human race (oikonomia), oriented towards societal progress, the advancement of human communities, the preservation of a resilient environment and higher survival goals of posterity.
A Brief Overview about the Health Benefit of Garlic and Study of Cultivation Environment Aspects and Special Recommendation to Zambia.
Durairaj Dhanapal, Sitawala Mundia and Stanley Hanseele
The agricultural sector in Zambia supports livelihoods of 85% of the population. Maize is the principal cash crop (65% of cropped land) as well as the main staple crop. Other important crops include soybean, cotton, sugarcane, sunflower, wheat, sorghum, pearl millet, cassava, tobacco and various vegetable and fruit crops. Unlike elsewhere in sub-Saharan Africa, agriculture is relatively unimportant in Zambia’s economy compared to mining (primarily copper). It contributes less than 20% of Gross Domestic Product. But Zambia has potential for significant increases in agricultural output currently, less than 30% of potentially arable land is cultivated. In the past, the agriculture sector suffered from low product prices, difficulties in availability and distribution of credit and inputs, and shortage of foreign exchange [1]. Copperstone University Department of Health science studies the Garlic Heath benefits and cultivation economic scope in Zambia in this exclusive review article. Garlic (Allium sativum L) is a constant plant in the National List of Medicinal Plants of Interest to the Unified Health System (RENISUS) of Brazil, which has been used for thousands of years as a spice for cooking and medicinal herb, and several of its compounds have already been identified and studied for their pharmacological effects [2]. The aim of this Zambia Copperstone University Department of Health Science systematic review indicates the health benefits and future cultivation economic scope in Zambian farmers.
Keywords: Cash crop; Cultivation; Garlic, Economic Etc; Nutrient
Chitumbo Kabangu, PhD
The relevancy of this study was to buttress the argument that food security is a basic right and need of every household. Most staple foods and other foods consumed are mainly produced by smallholder farmers in rural areas, especially here in Africa. The research gap which this study sought to narrow was the hindering factors to food security among the primary agricultural cooperative societies in Lubofu Agricultural Camp, North Western Province, Zambia. The specific objectives were to evaluate the age, gender, family size, marital status, farming experience and education levels of respondents in relations to the study, to assess the level of food production, type of main food crops and food insecurity/ security, to evaluate hindering factors to food security/insecurity among Cooperators, to establish the types of food insecurity and effects of food insecurity to the livelihood of the household members, to find out the level of knowledge about food security and to propose certain measures which can alleviate or eradicate food insecurity.
A case study research design, quantitative and qualitative research were used in explaining findings. The Population consisted of cooperators and officers from the agricultural sector.
Semi- structured closed and open questions were used to collect primary data. Simple random sampling method was used to sample cooperators, while judgmental sampling was used for some other respondents from agricultural sectors. The dependent variable was food security, while the independent variable was hindering factors. It was hypothesized that there were hindering factors to food security and no hindering factors to food security.
The study has revealed that there were hindering factors to food security such as the failure of women owning traditional land, high illiterate levels among women, use of poor farming technologies, none use of work oxen, low investment as share capital was less, pest and disease attack, no proper use of conservation farming and women had no control of food. It was concluded that poor farming technologies, excessive selling of maize by husbands, poor storage facilities, women not in control of food and their lack of knowledge on household food requirement contributed to food insecurity.
Recommendations arising from the study were that: Government should include sorghum pack with its fertilizer, including both basal and top; and that Government should not use e-voucher system in the rural areas because there are few agri-business dealers with economies of scale to supply inputs on time. Thus, entrenching food security not only among Primary Agricultural Cooperative Societies of Lubofu Agricultural Camp but in other parts of the country. Future researchers should research on the best methods to measure and detect food insecurity that can be scientifically verified and be used in the world over. Zambian farmers.
Keywords: Food security, Traditional land, Lubofu
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